Side-Scan Sonar (SSS)

The 4DWD newly developed technique for processing side-scan sonar (SSS) data have been emerged to improve the efficiency and accuracy of underwater mapping and exploration. One of our most significant advancements has been the automation of the integration of SSS data with other geophysical data sources, such as bathymetry and subbottom profiler data. This integration provides a more comprehensive understanding of the underwater environment, including the seabed, subsurface structures, and shallow geology. By combining data from multiple sources, it is possible to produce higher-resolution images of the underwater environment, which can be used for a variety of applications, such as seabed mapping, underwater archaeology, and environmental monitoring.

4DWD has developed its federated AI algorithms to use our advanced image processing techniques, which improve the quality of SSS images and reduce noise in the data. These techniques use sophisticated algorithms to enhance the resolution and contrast of SSS images, making it easier to identify and analyze underwater features. In addition, the development of real-time data processing techniques has greatly improved the speed and efficiency of SSS data collection and analysis. This has enabled more rapid mapping of the underwater environment and has provided valuable information for a wide range of applications, from exploring the deep ocean to mapping nearshore environments. These advancements in SSS data processing techniques are leading to new discoveries and insights into the underwater environment.

Another important developments that we have enhanced using our AI-powered algorithms is the use of backscatter processing, which allows for the analysis of the strength and direction of the acoustic return from the seafloor. Backscatter data can provide valuable information about the composition and roughness of the seafloor, and is being used to automatically maping the distribution of hard and soft sediments, as well as to identify the presence of man-made structures such as shipwrecks. The integration of backscatter processing with bathymetric mapping is providing a more complete picture of the underwater environment and is helping to advance our understanding of the geology and modelling the OWF sea floor.